
Smart Grid Manager

Unlock the full potential of your solar farm with Helin's Smart Grid Manager, the ultimate solution for optimizing asset utilization and control. Asset management and asset control need accurate high-fidelity telemetry data and an edge computing infrastructure. Helin’s Smart Grid Manager is a plug-and-play middleware that connects your solar farm to your asset and energy management systems. It puts you in charge of your solar farm at the lowest possible cost.

Asset Data Management

The Helin Data collector enables the monitoring of your assets to improve performance and reduce downtime.

  • Sub-second data management
    • High fidelity telemetry data
  • Easy deployment of applications & analytics

Curtailment API

The Smart Grid Manager enables curtailment in the inverters and changing battery setpoints. 

  • Prevent negative returns during negative electricity prices
    • Based on Day Ahead & Intra Day trading
  • API for integrating 3rd party (EMS) system

Real Time Interface

Enable the grid operator to intervene in case of acute grid congestion.

  • Compliance with Netbeheer Nederland
  • Mandatory for installations with >1MW capacity

Load Management & Load Balancing

Optimize your local grid, while protecting it against overload. 

  • Enable control to maximize earnings
  • Create a local and balanced grid with solar, wind turbines, batteries, local consumers, charging stations and the grid
How the Smart Grid Manager will help your installation

Fully managed middleware for your solar farm

The Smart Grid Manager is a fully managed middleware solution. It is a scalable and secure bridge between your solar farm and asset & energy management systems.

Edge computer

Our solution comes with a customizable edge computer that will be installed at your solar farm. This weather resistant box includes connectors to your digital and analogue systems, plus the connectivity to offload the data into your database.

Streaming data

The telemetry data from your inverters, batteries and sensors will be securely streamed to the desired endpoint. That could be in the cloud or directly into your asset & energy management systems. Streaming occurs up to once per second.

Smart Solar API

The solution comes with the Smart Solar Control Module, allowing you to manage the inverter and battery settings from your Energy Management System (EMS). Curtail the inverters or peak shave any excess solar energy. It’s your choice.


Creating a smart solar grid

Sunrock is the largest solar energy company in The Netherlands. We implemented our smart energy middleware solution to monitor and control their solar farms in the most optimal way.

Benefits for Sunrock

Our Smart Solar Solution puts Sunrock in charge of their solar energy management. Integration with their asset management increases uptime. Control over inverter management increases revenues by trading energy output for spot market prices.

Why Helin's Smart Grid Manager?

We put you in charge of your solar farm

The fast-evolving solar industry demands agility in operating solar assets and in optimizing production. The Smart Grid Manager helps you take charge of your different assets with your uniform energy strategy.

Standardize assets

You need to standardize your operation, but want to be able to use different brands of inverters and batteries. We enable you to select the right brand for your farm, while keeping your management unified.

Increase revenues

Curtailing your inverters and peak-shaving your production increases your revenues by up to 25%. This will become even more important as increasing congestion causes increasing issues on the grid.

Manage costs

The Smart Grid Manager is plug-and-play, low-overhead middleware. It means you don’t have to build a large infrastructure team and allows you to pay full attention to the analytics and control instead.


Want to optimize your solar farms? Receive more information? We’re happy to tell you more.

+31 880 185 185 | [email protected]